P.O. Box 554
Willis, Texas 77378
As we are attempting to reduce the cost associated with postage and copy paper, we are no longer printing and publishing a Post Newsletter. The information that you would normally find in that letter and in this portion of the web site will now be sent out via e-mail and will be published in the Commanders Corner section of the web site. Thus, we encourage each of you to provide us with your email address and monitor the Commanders Corner section of the web site so that you can keep abreast of the happening at the Post. Should you not have access to an email address please advise the Post Adjutant so that we can arrange a means for you to be keep informed as to the Post happenings. Thanks. Your Commander.
On the second Thursday of each month we have a free birthday lunch for our Post members and longtime friends. This lunch has generally about 50 attending, and one or more of our own members volunteer to serve lunch for all that attends. We call this our monthly birthday celebration lunch and we look forward to seeing all of you attend. Our lunch starts at 12:00 noon and is over at 1:00pm. Each month we serve something different, but it is always good and our fellowship is unbeatable. Please RSVP at 936-856-5224.