
C.M. Joslin Post, Aux. & SAL 618

C.M. Joslin
Post, Auxiliary, & SAL 618
Willis, Texas
Next Cook-Off
Kool-Kats Cookoff

January 31 & February 1

For Future Information:
General: txlegion0618willis@gmail.com
WebMaster: Post.618.Webmaster@outlook.com
Follow Us on Facebook: Facebook



Ricky Bambridge - Commander

At present, we are finalizing a list of the email addresses for officers and members of the Post, Unit, and SAL. This will enable the Post to communicate more effectively, and save money on the Newsletter postage. We will be glad to add your name to the list. You may leave your email address with one of the attending personal.

You may also email you contact information to:

Webmaster: Post.618.Webmaster@outlook.com


Our Webmaster can be reached through the Post @936-856-5224, through the web site, or email at Post.618.Webmaster@Outlook.com. Anything you would like on the website, please contact him.

Paperless is the wave now.  The rising costs associated with printing and mailing is getting out of hand.

If you do not have internet access, notify us.  We will place you on a mailing list. We encourage everyone to get internet access.  Check our website out.  So much information available.   Again, if there is something you would like included on our website, we need to hear from you.